Request registration to Open Data Wallonie Bruxelles
By creating a personal account as you are about to do, you will be able to create datasets, and eventually publish them via this portal, in order to make them accessible and reusable by the general public (without registration required in this respect).
In addition to the acceptance of the TOS of this portal, you also commit yourself by the creation of an account, to respect the standards in force and the current state of the law with regard to the data/datasets that you will eventually be led to upload, and assume the whole responsibility for their contents, and possible future uses (this includes, but is not limited to, the absence of personal data, ownership or official mandate to share the uploaded data as/on behalf of an entity, or the legitimacy/right to do so on the part of the person doing so).
The Agence du Numérique, as the operator of this platform, as well as any of its staff, shall in no way be held responsible for the content or use of the data made available by users/data producers.
Already have an account on the Opendatasoft platform?